Incense, Herbs, Resins & Salts

3 Kings Incense Resin


Three Kings Incense Resin Incense combines frankincense, myrrh and benzoin to create unique aroma. Perfect for creating atmosphere for deep meditation, prayer and tranquility.

Incense, Herbs, Resins & Salts

Cedar Smudge Bundles


Cedar smudge Bundles are a great way to smudge the air when you're in the midst of releasing some bad juju. For example, when you finally get rid of bad-memories in your life, burning cedar is a symbolic way to clear the space of their lingering energy.

Divine Learning Downloads

Your Spirit Guides


Gather Your Spiritual Posse! We all have Spirit Guides whose purpose is to guide and assist us on our life’s journey.Call them your Spiritual Posse! Learn to forge a strong connection with them!

Divine Learning Downloads

Live Life In The Now


The Magic of Life is Happening NOW! Use Your NOW Power! Live Life In The Now!

SarahSpiritual Dressed And Blessed Candles

New Moon Candle


Draw on the energy of the New Moon for New Beginnings. It's time for CREATION And EXPANSION with Sarah's New Moon Candle!

Spiritual Baths

Hyssop Bath


Hyssop is well-known to be a spiritual purifying agent. Use our Hyssop Bath to cleanse yourself of negativity and also for protection from unwanted energy. Hyssop is also a powerful healing herb for many conditions.

Spiritual Baths

Yarrow Bath


Yarrow has been long known as a protective, healing plant. It is felt to be an excellent remedy against spiritual wounds, healing wounds of the aura and broken hearts from a loss. Yarrow is also effective versus anxiety, try our Yarrow Bath today, you won't be disappointed.

Spiritual Baths

Archangel Raphael Bath


Invoke Archangel Raphael for Divine Healing and Grace while bathing in SarahSpiritual's Archangel Raphael Bath.

Spiritual Mists

New Moon Mist


Draw on the Energy of the New Moon! Mist yourself with our New Moon Mist and your surroundings to invoke the renewing Energy of the New Moon.

Spiritual Mists

Archangel Raphael Mist


Invoke Archangel Raphael for Divine Healing and Grace! The Archangel Raphael Mist comes in a convenient 2 Oz bottle to bring with you to invoke the protection of Archangel Michael wherever you may be!

Spiritual Mists

Abundance Mist


SarahSpiritual has created the Abundance Mist to assist with attracting Abundance in all forms to you. Tap in to your Abundance!

Spiritual Mists

7 Chakra Mist


Use the 7 Chakra Mist to meditate or pray with this energetically infused mist. Mist yourself and your surroundings and balance and awaken your Chakras!