Spiritual Candles

Chango Macho 7 Day Candle


espirito de buena suerte vela de oferenda which translates to Spirit of good luck offering Candle. Burn a 7 day spirit of good luck/chango macho candle to draw wealth your way and change bad luck to good luck, brings Power and love to you.


This is a seven 7 day candle of the African Saint Barbara in glass. She is the fierce protector of women and children and the voodoo Goddess of Love.

Divine Learning Downloads

In Harmony-A Spirit Channeled Song


As heard on "Spiritually Speaking with Sarah" SarahSpiritual describes the beauty of being in Harmony with everything around us in this simply gorgeous song.

Divine Learning Downloads

Money Flow & Universal Laws


In this class SarahSpiritual teaches how to shift your self-talk regarding money and Create Abundance, learn the Universal Laws of Abundance and how to apply them, be in the Universal Flow and co-create financial freedom, avoid Life's conditioned roadblocks of scarcity and lack, unblock your receptivity to the Laws of Supply!

Divine Learning Downloads

Design YOUR 2019 Class


Design Your Life As YOU Desire It! Are you ready to Create Opportunity? Heal Relationships? Shift Your Mindset? Manifest NEW Doors for Abundance to Flow Besides a Traditional "9 - 5" work Career. Sarah taught this 2019 class, but can be used for any year with her teaching methods!

Spiritual Baths

Court Bath


Influence in Legal Matters, the Court Bath has been designed by SarahSpiritual to promote an influencing energy to assist in legal and court matters.

Incense, Herbs, Resins & Salts

Myrrh Incense Resin


Myrrh Incense Resin is used for meditation, protection, purification, and consecration. Can be used with Frankincense to cleanse and purify your surroundings.

Incense, Herbs, Resins & Salts

Come To Me Incense


Burn Come To Me Incense to attract the love you desire and bring him/her to you!

Incense, Herbs, Resins & Salts

Frankincense Incense Resin


Frankincense Incense Resin is used for meditation, protection, purification, and consecration. Can be used with Myrrh to cleanse and purify your surroundings.

Incense, Herbs, Resins & Salts

Mugwort Bundle


A Mugwort Bundle can be used to cleanse and purify yourself or your home with the added properties of being used for divination, dream work, prophecies, and to ward off psychic attacks.

Spiritual Candles

Red 7 Day Candle


Red is the color of life's blood, and emits a very strong, positive vibration. Burn a Plain Red 7 Day Candle for passion, love, sexual energy and domination.

Spiritual Candles

Green And Gold 7 Day Candle


Burn a Plan Green and Gold Candle to attract money and success. This candle attracts luck in money, love and the lottery.