Incense Sticks And Cones

White Sage Incense Sticks


White Sage Incense Sticks cleanse the space of negativity and is also believed to aid concentration. This fragrance is known for its smudging powers and helps get rid of all negativity in an environment. Hence it is popularly used for rituals, before ceremonies, for smudging, across many cultures and continents.

Incense Sticks And Cones

Nag Champa Dhoop Cones


The tranquillity and adventure of a mist laden morning, the Nag Champa blend can be used to sanctify or purify a space and is a good aid to meditation or deep relaxation. This blend of the Nag Champa Dhoop Cones is the first secret recipe formulated by the founding family and has stood the test of time as most loved flora incense across the globe.

Spiritual Candles

Do As I Say 7 Day Candle


Burn a Do As I Say Candle when you wish others to obey your instructions, carry out your suggestions or change their minds to favor your plans.

Spiritual Candles

Chango Macho 7 Day Candle


espirito de buena suerte vela de oferenda which translates to Spirit of good luck offering Candle. Burn a 7 day spirit of good luck/chango macho candle to draw wealth your way and change bad luck to good luck, brings Power and love to you.


This is a seven 7 day candle of the African Saint Barbara in glass. She is the fierce protector of women and children and the voodoo Goddess of Love.

Spiritual Baths

Dream Bath


SarahSpiritual's Dream Bath is a Spiritual Bath to Enhance and Remember Dreams and Dream Protection.

Spiritual Baths

Indian Spirit Bath


Invoke Your Indian Spirit Guide for Guidance and Assistance.