SarahSpiritual Dressed And Blessed Candles

7 Chakras 7 Day Candle


Light this candle to balance and awaken your 7 Chakras! Meditate on each one of the colors and allow the vibrations to fill your 7 chakra energy points.

Spiritual Candles

Do As I Say 7 Day Candle


Burn a Do As I Say Candle when you wish others to obey your instructions, carry out your suggestions or change their minds to favor your plans.

Spiritual Candles

Chango Macho 7 Day Candle


espirito de buena suerte vela de oferenda which translates to Spirit of good luck offering Candle. Burn a 7 day spirit of good luck/chango macho candle to draw wealth your way and change bad luck to good luck, brings Power and love to you.


This is a seven 7 day candle of the African Saint Barbara in glass. She is the fierce protector of women and children and the voodoo Goddess of Love.

Spiritual Candles

Green And Gold 7 Day Candle


Burn a Plan Green and Gold Candle to attract money and success. This candle attracts luck in money, love and the lottery.