
SarahSpiritual Featured Products



Orphans are fragmented, unresolved aspects of ourselves created by events in our lives and then abandoned along the way. Orphans can still affect us in our day-to-day lives by manifesting as fear, doubt, unworthiness, anger and other low-vibration emotions in times of change and stress. The Soul Integration Session process makes contact with our Orphans, comforts them, and accepts them by INTEGRATING our Orphans with our larger SOUL. The end result is a fully integrated Soul ready to manifest the fulfilled life one desires!

SarahSpiritual Sessions



Are you feeling stuck in your life, unable to progress? You've done all the “right” things to grow spiritually, but they don't seem to be working for you? Now is the time for Fulfilled Living, let's invite your Orphans to step into the future and embrace a safe, loving, fulfilled, joyous existence in the Moment of Now. Create the future you've always wanted to live! This Soul Integration Package session can create a very much needed Spiritual awakening and Healing!