SarahSpiritual Dressed And Blessed Candles

Path Opener 7 Day Candle


It is used to open the path to a better future, both when removing crossed conditions and when starting new ventures.

Spiritual Baths

Twin Flame Bath


Your Twin Flame is your ultimate partner and is literally your “other half”. They share a unique destiny intended by the Creator and Universe. Attract YOUR Twin Flame with our Twin Flame Bath.

Spiritual Baths

Oshun Bath


Orisha Oshun is known as the goddess of divinity, femininity, fertility, beauty and love. In relationships, Oshun is petitioned so that we may give and receive love with ease, and to help us move on if our love is not being returned. Use our Oshun Bath to invoke Oshun!

Spiritual Oils

Adam And Eve Oil


Adam and Eve Oil has been designed to ignite passion between you and your love. Enhance or create love, romantic, and sexual chemistry between you and your desired one.You can also use this to reconnect to an old love.

Divine Learning Downloads

Loves Power To Create & Heal


Teaches how to Create, Heal, Manifest and more with LOVE! Today is the day you choose UNCONDITIONAL SELF LOVE and begin to CREATE the life YOU'LL LOVE TO LIVE! This class includes a powerful meditation!

Spiritual Mists

Twin Flame Mist


Attract YOUR Twin Flame with SarahSpiritual’s Twin Flame Mist!

Spiritual Mists

Soul Mate Mist


Attract your Soul Mate! Mist yourself and your surroundings with SarahSpiritual's Soul Mate Mist!

Spiritual Oils

Soul Mate Oil


This hand-blended Soul Mate Oil contains ingredients designed to attract your Soul Mate to you.

Incense Sticks And Cones

Love Incense Sticks


Ignite you passion with Hem's Love Incense Sticks. This incense will give a romantic touch to your evening of love and tenderness as well as giving us harmony and unity in our lives.

Spiritual Oils

Come To Me Oil


Come to Me Oil is ideal for winning the attention and affection of someone who interests you, now attract that Love Interest to you.

Spiritual Candles

Green And Gold 7 Day Candle


Burn a Plan Green and Gold Candle to attract money and success. This candle attracts luck in money, love and the lottery.

Spiritual Baths

Yemaya Bath


Yemaya is the Orisha who embodies motherhood. Yemaya also presides over all waters. As supreme mother goddess Yemaya is protective of all women, particularly pregnant women and all who requires a maternal love. Call upon her bathing in Yemaya Bath for her deep powers of love and healing.