SarahSpiritual Dressed And Blessed Candles

Holy Spirit 7 Day Candle


The holy spirit is God’s power in action, his active force. (Micah 3:8; Luke 1:35) God sends out his spirit by projecting his energy to any place to accomplish his will.—Psalm 104:30; 139:7. Light this candle to activate a miraculous shift for your life, allowing the Holy spirit to intervene on your behalf in all life situations. 

SarahSpiritual Dressed And Blessed Candles

Path Opener 7 Day Candle


It is used to open the path to a better future, both when removing crossed conditions and when starting new ventures.

Spiritual Baths

Yarrow Bath


Yarrow has been long known as a protective, healing plant. It is felt to be an excellent remedy against spiritual wounds, healing wounds of the aura and broken hearts from a loss. Yarrow is also effective versus anxiety, try our Yarrow Bath today, you won't be disappointed.

Spiritual Baths

Sage Clearance Bath


The clearing power of sage in a bath! This Sage Clearance Bath is a powerful and popular bath to remove negative and unwanted energies around you!

Spiritual Candles

Blockbuster 7 Day Candle


Burning a Blockbuster 7 Day Candle is alleged to break spells and solve problems, also used for Busting or removing Blockages in your life or another's. Perfect addition to your home altar. Use this Candle also for gaining luck, money and Success.

Spiritual Oils

Abundance Oil


SarahSpiritual has created the Abundance Oil to assist with attracting Abundance in all forms to you. Tap in to YOUR Abundance!

Incense Sticks And Cones

Meditation Incense Sticks


Meditation Incense Sticks, are used to calm the mind, soothe anxieties, aid in focus and encourage discipline. Help create a peaceful and relaxing environment that's ideal for meditation in your home, office, etc. with this lot of Meditation incense.

Spiritual Baths

Oshun Bath


Orisha Oshun is known as the goddess of divinity, femininity, fertility, beauty and love. In relationships, Oshun is petitioned so that we may give and receive love with ease, and to help us move on if our love is not being returned. Use our Oshun Bath to invoke Oshun!

SarahSpiritual Featured Products

Indian Offering Mix


The Indian offering mix has been designed to connect you with your Native American Indian Spirit Guides. Sprinkle the mix in the corners of your yard to call on your guides to assist you. Use in your ceremonial or meditation practices to receive your Indian Spirit's Guidance.

Incense Sticks And Cones

White Sage Incense Sticks


White Sage Incense Sticks cleanse the space of negativity and is also believed to aid concentration. This fragrance is known for its smudging powers and helps get rid of all negativity in an environment. Hence it is popularly used for rituals, before ceremonies, for smudging, across many cultures and continents.

Spiritual Candles

Green And Gold 7 Day Candle


Burn a Plan Green and Gold Candle to attract money and success. This candle attracts luck in money, love and the lottery.

Spiritual Baths

Dream Bath


SarahSpiritual's Dream Bath is a Spiritual Bath to Enhance and Remember Dreams and Dream Protection.