Spiritual Oils

Fast Luck Oil


Fast Luck Oil Has been designed to bring good luck , prosperity and manifest your desires quickly! Use it to call on the universe and your guides to bring blessings to you instantaneously, resolve predicaments, and receive a lucky/favorable outcome in matters of love, finances, gambling and abundance.

Spiritual Oils

Harass Me Not Oil


Harass Me Not Oil Has been designed to remove and stop unwanted vibrations from harassing you. Use it to stop pesky 'spirits' or people from persisting to "kill your vibe."

Spiritual Mists

Abundance Mist


SarahSpiritual has created the Abundance Mist to assist with attracting Abundance in all forms to you. Tap in to your Abundance!

Spiritual Oils

Abundance Oil


SarahSpiritual has created the Abundance Oil to assist with attracting Abundance in all forms to you. Tap in to YOUR Abundance!

Spiritual Oils

Calm Oil


Calm Oil Has been designed to assist you in creating a peaceful environment to stay calm, and create a relaxed environment. Use it to unwind and relax after a long day at work, or throughout your day to maintain your energy, & promote the feeling of being calm.

Incense Sticks And Cones

Meditation Incense Sticks


Meditation Incense Sticks, are used to calm the mind, soothe anxieties, aid in focus and encourage discipline. Help create a peaceful and relaxing environment that's ideal for meditation in your home, office, etc. with this lot of Meditation incense.

Spiritual Oils

Against Envy Oil


Use SarahSpiritual's Against Envy Oil to protect yourself from jealousy and those with the evil eye, created for those who struggle with jealousy themselves or feel themselves envied by others.

Spiritual Baths

Oshun Bath


Orisha Oshun is known as the goddess of divinity, femininity, fertility, beauty and love. In relationships, Oshun is petitioned so that we may give and receive love with ease, and to help us move on if our love is not being returned. Use our Oshun Bath to invoke Oshun!

Spiritual Oils

Saint Expedito Oil


Are you ready to Expedite YOUR enlightenment ?? We wouldn't be the Expedito Enlightenment Center without this handmade Saint Expedito Oil!

Spiritual Oils

Violet Ray Oil


Invoke the Violet Ray of St. Germain for Transformation, with Sarah's Violet Ray Oil. Transmuting Energy and Resolving Karmic Entanglements.

Spiritual Oils

Twin Flame Oil


Attract YOUR Twin Flame with SarahSpiritual’s Twin Flame Oil! This Oil holds a full bodied fragrance capturing the vibration of the Twin Flame Love match!