Spiritual Mists

Reversing Mist


SarahSpiritual brings you protection from low-vibration energies with her hand blended Reversing Mist!

SarahSpiritual Custom Baths

SarahSpiritual Custom Bath


A personalized SarahSpiritual Custom Bath will bring a wonderful experience For YOU! SarahSpiritual can create a custom, personalized 3 Bottles of bath experience tailored to YOUR specific needs based on guidance from Spirit. Transform YOUR Energy with a Custom Bath experience from SarahSpiritual!

Spiritual Mists

Break And Remove Mist


Use SarahSpiritual’s Break and Remove Mist to dispel low-vibration energies and attachments from yourself and your surroundings.

SarahSpiritual Dressed And Blessed Candles

Holy Spirit 7 Day Candle


The holy spirit is God’s power in action, his active force. (Micah 3:8; Luke 1:35) God sends out his spirit by projecting his energy to any place to accomplish his will.—Psalm 104:30; 139:7. Light this candle to activate a miraculous shift for your life, allowing the Holy spirit to intervene on your behalf in all life situations. 

SarahSpiritual Dressed And Blessed Candles

Path Opener 7 Day Candle


It is used to open the path to a better future, both when removing crossed conditions and when starting new ventures.

Spiritual Baths

7 Chakra Bath


Try our 7 Chakra Spiritual Bath to Balance and Awaken Your Chakras!

Divine Learning Downloads

Psychic Defense Class 2020


Would you like to learn how to Spiritually Protect yourself and your environment? Sarah teaches the most effective ways to protect yourself in your day-to-day life, including how you can create an energy field of protection around your home to maintain your personal Sanctuary.The Psychic Defense Class 2020 is specially priced at $9.00!

Spiritual Baths

Sage Clearance Bath


The clearing power of sage in a bath! This Sage Clearance Bath is a powerful and popular bath to remove negative and unwanted energies around you!

Spiritual Candles

Blockbuster 7 Day Candle


Burning a Blockbuster 7 Day Candle is alleged to break spells and solve problems, also used for Busting or removing Blockages in your life or another's. Perfect addition to your home altar. Use this Candle also for gaining luck, money and Success.

Divine Learning Downloads

Live Life In The Now


The Magic of Life is Happening NOW! Use Your NOW Power! Live Life In The Now!

Spiritual Baths

Violet Ray Bath


Invoke the Violet Ray for Transformation with SarahSpiritual's hand blended Violet Ray Bath.

Spiritual Baths

Archangel Raphael Bath


Invoke Archangel Raphael for Divine Healing and Grace while bathing in SarahSpiritual's Archangel Raphael Bath.